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Matrix (version 1.3-0)

[<--methods: Methods for "[<-" - Assigning to Subsets for 'Matrix'


Methods for "[<-", i.e., extraction or subsetting mostly of matrices, in package Matrix.

Note: Contrary to standard matrix assignment in base R, in x[..] <- val it is typically an error (see stop) when the type or class of val would require the class of x to be changed, e.g., when x is logical, say "lsparseMatrix", and val is numeric. In other cases, e.g., when x is a "nsparseMatrix" and val is not TRUE or FALSE, a warning is signalled, and val is “interpreted” as logical, and (logical) NA is interpreted as TRUE.



There are many many more than these:

x = "Matrix", i = "missing", j = "missing", value= "ANY"

is currently a simple fallback method implementation which ensures “readable” error messages.

x = "Matrix", i = "ANY", j = "ANY", value= "ANY"

currently gives an error

x = "denseMatrix", i = "index", j = "missing", value= "numeric"


x = "denseMatrix", i = "index", j = "index", value= "numeric"


x = "denseMatrix", i = "missing", j = "index", value= "numeric"


See Also

[-methods for subsetting "Matrix" objects; the '>index class; Extract about the standard subset assignment (and extraction).


Run this code
<!-- %% Note that ./Xtrct-methods.Rd has the indexing ones -->
# }
(a <- m <- Matrix(round(rnorm(7*4),2), nrow = 7))

a[] <- 2.2 # <<- replaces **every** entry
## as do these:
a[,] <- 3 ; a[TRUE,] <- 4

m[2, 3]  <- 3.14 # simple number
m[3, 3:4]<- 3:4  # simple numeric of length 2

## sub matrix assignment:
m[-(4:7), 3:4] <- cbind(1,2:4) #-> upper right corner of 'm'
m[3:5, 2:3] <- 0
m[6:7, 1:2] <- Diagonal(2)

## rows or columns only:
m[1,] <- 10
m[,2] <- 1:7
m[-(1:6), ] <- 3:0 # not the first 6 rows, i.e. only the 7th
as(m, "sparseMatrix")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab